SMCGS General Meetings |
For a list of our current public events, please click here or on the calendar.
General meetings are held monthly except for August and December, typically on the 4th Saturday of the month. Check dates, as some meetings are moved to the 3rd or 5th Saturday.
* 10:15-10:45 am -- Coffee and chat. Catch up on the news. Ask questions. Meet the speaker.
* 10:45 am - 12:15-- Announcements, followed by talks on subjects of interest to all levels of genealogists
Note: SMCGS monthly meetings currently rotate between Zoom and in-person meetings depending on the speaker.
Please see the section below for special instructions for our Zoom meetings. Zoom meetings may start at 10AM.
For a partial list of past monthly meetings, click here.
Special instructions for Zoom meetingsAnnouncements of our monthly meetings are posted on our home page along with a link to register. Links to the actual Zoom meeting will be sent to all registered attendees in a confirmation email a few days before the event, as well as a handout if one is available. The Zoom meetings will be open for a social mixer for half an hour before the formal meeting begins. The Zoom meetings will be run as follows:
If you have not previously downloaded the Zoom application, you may wish to do so before the meeting. If you click on the Zoom link, you will be given an opportunity to download the application. |